Profile picture showing a purple space pirate folf with some darker accents. His fur is starry and he has a cybernetic collar. The background is a snowy landscape. Art by me.

Ori's Weird Blog

Deprecate the meatsuit

2 min

CW: existential, thanatophobia triggers

Enough is enough. Our biology has caused enough tragedies already, and yet some of us keep living as if that’s okay, as if allowing sentient beings to slowly deteriorate because evolution did not care about anything besides us surviving long enough to fuck is alright.

Here are some reasons to deprecate that damn meatsuit.

It’s boring

Not much to say here, having animal parts is fun, skinsuits are boring.

No standard I/O

Where’s the brainlink port, huh? No I don’t wanna hear anything about HIDs, VR headsets and all that crap, let me tap into my senses directly, thank you.

You can’t even attach simple expansions to this thing without it hating you, it’s as if it was made by Apple.

It’s anti right to repair

I want to die or have to wait years for spare parts because of some age old evolutionary war between microbes! - Said literally nobody ever.

Right to repair shall be implemented everywhere indiscriminately. Sadism towards corporations is my kink, and evolution also wants to make the line go up, so it must suffer.

Spaghetti code

What is this shit?? Why are our parts made out of wiggly things that wiggle and oopsie woopsie suddenly make cancer, or start dying off for who knows what reason? Fuck that!

Can’t even recover from a power outage

You guessed it, it starts dying the momemnt it can’t run these stupid microscopic pumps, what a piece of shit.

It won’t tell you what’s wrong

Ah yes, time to vaguely point my owner to an area where something might be wrong, or not, that’s insanely specific and useful. - Every meatsuit ever…

The universe is evil

It created time. Need anything more?

We got absolutely screwed by this fucker, it made things irreversible by making time go one way, what a basterd.

We must get our revenge and build dyson spheres around its nuclear reactors, harvest energy from black holes, and find any way to break it until it pays for its crime of creating us like this and we avenge everyone who was hurt by this cold merciless monster.

It’s restrcited by distance

Distance is homophobic.

Fur is better*

Soft, fluffy, cute, very huggable.

*doesn’t have to exist IRL, RL is overrated and only to be used as a host for dyson spheres and computers.


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